What The Lookout Journal is

The Lookout Journal (TLJ) is a collaborative quaterly arts and culture web-zine.

Here, we don't publish regular reviews and reports. Instead, we look for the slightly evocative, more whimsical sort of narratives, specific to the theme, with each issue. 

Did you draw something, inspired by a song?
Or is there a nameless, faceless oddity hidden in plain sight, in the middle of a busy street or gathering, that you really want people to read about?

Or perhaps there's something common to three very different, very popular songs that you think people don't know much about, but should. 
Then, reachus@thelookoutjournal.com

To find out about the upcoming theme, find a submissions call on our Facebook page or Instagram account.

If we think your submission can really blossom with accompanying element (an illustration that longs for words; a write-up that can come alive with a visual; or perhaps a painting that can hold hands with a sound clip), TLJ will consult and curate, tapping into our growing community of writers, illustrators, photographers, and other artists. We can assure you, the result will stem from a fun and fruitful collaboration. : ) 


Submission Guidelines:

1. TLJ does not prefer previously published material
Since we are a collaborative platform, our focus is on creating a beautiful visual experience with your stories. If you think a certain work appeals to the thematic concern of a specific issue, or unless we ask for writing samples, please do not send us previously published works.  

2. TLJ editorial calls: We love off-kilter narratives with little details, but, if we think that the story could be told in a better, more pithy way, we will edit your copy and send you playbacks while also suggesting tweaks in visual representations. Sometimes this can be feedback from a collaborator we set you up with, as well. Tonally, please distinguish the pieces you submit here, from those that go on a blog. This is in keeping with the collaborative spirit of the magazine as well.  

3. TLJ formats: For text documents, please send in your submissions in MS Word or Pages. For photographs and illustrations, please send .jpeg files of 300 dpi resolution or above. For videos, please send us the original files, or Youtube/Vimeo links. 

4. Ownership: We love that you're collaborating with us and giving credit is something that we value immensely. We will link back to your accounts/profiles with your piece, and we ask you to do the same for us too. After all, both our brains are at work here :)

5. Tell us who you are: With your pitches, send us your email address and point us to your social media accounts. And with your final draft/submission, please send us a one-two lines intro about yourself, for us to use as a footnote, along with the piece. 


Keep making beautiful,
~Anusha Gottumukkala and Vangmayi Parakala,
always on The Lookout.